Lookin for a DH bike

2011-09-10 16:35
Lookin for a DH bike [DHB]
Posts: 2
Hi Everyone,

I am a girl,searchin for a DH bike. I hope you guys can help me.
My lenght is 1.62 cm and my budget is about 1000-1200 euro.
I live near the german border near Emmerich, so if someone near
the dutch-german border has a nice offer...let me know.

You can write me in german if you want!


2011-09-14 12:46
AW: Lookin for a DH bike [DHB]
Posts: 39

Hätte ein kraftstoff d1 evo.

rahmen ist small

Sehr guter zustand.

Und über denn preis lässt sich noch verhandeln,,,

mfg dhfuchs
2011-09-17 15:08
AW: Lookin for a DH bike [DHB]
Gabriel 25
Avatar von Gabriel 25
Posts: 57
I have a kona stinky for 900€ size ,,M'' I'm 1.68 and for me is it very good!
Look at the first side it is silver! ;-)